Modern Slavery Statement for BankMyCell

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Modern Slavery Statement for BankMyCell


BankMyCell, a subsidiary of Pixel CX LTD, is committed to conducting business in a lawful and ethical manner. This Modern Slavery Statement reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business or supply chains.

Company Values and Ethics

At BankMyCell, we are dedicated to upholding high standards of ethics and integrity in all our operations. Our core values emphasize respect for human rights, adherence to labor standards, and conducting business in an ethical manner. We are committed to ensuring that our business operations and supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

Supply Chain Overview

BankMyCell primarily operates as a price comparison website for technology products in the USA. Although we do not directly handle physical products for sale, we collaborate with partners featured on our website. Our supply chain consists of these partners as well as staff sourced through BPO companies in the UK and the Philippines. We ensure that all our partners and BPO companies operate ethically while complying with legal standards.

Due Diligence Processes

To identify and mitigate risk, BankMyCell conducts thorough background checks on all business partners. This includes verifying company registration details, reviewing business practices at their addresses, and assessing their reputation through online review platforms. We also ensure that our BPO providers adhere to ethical outsourcing practices, offering contracts to employees that meet legal standards and provide appropriate benefits.

Risk Assessment

Considering our business model, the main areas where slavery and human trafficking could pose potential risks are within the operations of our partners and the BPO companies we utilize for staffing. We actively monitor these areas to ensure compliance with our ethical standards.

Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking

BankMyCell measures the effectiveness of its efforts against slavery and human trafficking by regularly communicating with staff and partners. We ensure that only approved partners who adhere to our ethical standards are used for staffing purposes. Additionally, we conduct audits of the partners featured on our website.

Training and Awareness

BankMyCell will implement a training program for all employees to understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and business. This training will focus on identifying potential risks and the importance of maintaining our ethical standards.

Reporting Mechanisms

We encourage all employees and stakeholders to report any concerns related to slavery and human trafficking. Concerns can be raised with our Data Officer at [email protected]. All reports will be treated confidentially and investigated thoroughly.

Future Commitments

BankMyCell is committed to continuously improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. This includes maintaining ethically sourced staffing and conducting regular audits of our partners.

Approval and Review Process

This statement has been approved by our Data Officer and will be reviewed and updated as necessary, particularly in response to changes in our suppliers or the nature of the merchants and partners featured on our website.