BankMyCell Complaints Policy

Effective Resolution of Customer Complaints

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At BankMyCell, we are steadfast in our commitment to delivering a high standard of service to all our customers. We recognize that there may be instances where our services need to align with your expectations. It is crucial for us to be informed in such cases, as it helps us to improve continually. This policy outlines our approach to handling complaints, ensuring they are addressed promptly and fairly.

Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to various issues related to the quality of service at BankMyCell, including problems arising from transactions with our partners and interactions with our customer service team.

Complaint Submission Process

Customers are encouraged to submit their complaints through two primary channels: via email to [email protected] or by contacting our customer service line at +1 (917) 675 3062. 

When submitting a complaint, please provide:

  • Your contact details.
  • A concise description of the issue at hand.
  • Any relevant transaction or order numbers.

This information is vital to facilitate an efficient and effective resolution process.

Acknowledgment of Complaints

We will acknowledge your complaint within two business days. The acknowledgment will typically be in the same channel as the complaint was received unless you request a different method.

Complaint Review Process

Our customer service team reviews complaints and aims to resolve them within ten business days of receipt.

Resolution and Follow-up

Resolving complaints may involve corrective services or other actions specific to the issue. After resolving a complaint, we follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with the outcome.

Escalation Process

There is an escalation provision if a complaint remains unresolved to the customer’s satisfaction. Such complaints are escalated to a senior manager for further review to resolve them within an additional five business days.

Record Keeping and Confidentiality

All complaints are recorded and kept for two years. We maintain strict protocols to ensure the confidentiality of complaint information.

Feedback and Improvement

BankMyCell is committed to using complaint data as a tool for continuous improvement. We regularly review complaint data to identify and implement improvements in our services and products. Customer feedback is essential in this process, helping us continually refine and enhance our offerings.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

We comply with applicable legal and regulatory standards in the US and UK, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Contact Information for Complaints

Customers are advised to use the contact details provided above for any complaints. In cases where a complaint has been escalated, additional contact details will be provided as necessary.

Policy Review and Update

This policy is subject to an annual review and will be updated as required to reflect any changes in our procedures or regulatory requirements.